Play “Therapy” for Adults: How what you do this weekend helps your mental health

Maybe you think of playgrounds, dolls or even video games. Maybe you think of playing tag or having a water fight. Whatever your idea of play, it was probably fun. What you didn’t know is how good it was for you.

Play builds creativity, courage, openness and connection with others. Even for adults, the true essence of play is valuable and healthy. It can reduce our stress, help us find problem-solving skills that are unlocked by creativity, and improve our social connectedness. Let’s explore some ways you can reclaim play for your adult self.

Board games and game nights:  While you might not be into Monopoly or even poker, but there are a plethora of games available for adults. Some are strategic, others are more collaborative if you aren’t into competition. Even better, connect with forgotten traditions and relearn the games your family used to play on holidays.

Team sports or outdoor recreation: Athletic or not, gathering a group of family or friends for a friendly game can be great fun. While bowling and organized teams might take money, it’s always okay to think simple. Maybe frisbee-golf in the backyard is just what the doctor ordered. Hiking, biking, kayaking—outside activities can be both playful and enjoyable.

Creative hobbies: It might be time to dust off the guitar or open up those paints. Hobbies like painting, drawing, pottery or knitting can be great ways to tap into your imagination and express yourself.

Improv or acting classes: Taking improv or acting classes can be fun and liberating. It pushes you to let go of inhibitions, think on your feet and have playful spontaneous interactions.

Dance! Whether it’s video gaming, silent disco or joining a dance class moving to the music is fabulous play. Yes, it counts as exercise and it’s definitely fun.

Video games:  Maybe a game of Mario Cart or online meet up with friends is more your style. Creating time for interactive gameplay can be a great way to tap into play. Avoid goal setting and long-sessions to keep it more lighthearted.

Remember, the key to adult play is to let go of self-consciousness, embrace spontaneity, and allow yourself to fully engage in the moment. Playfulness can inject joy and excitement into your life. Here’s to an amazing weekend!